Razmian Once – Razmian Forever
Cadet College Razmak is a military boarding school in the scenic Razmak valley of North Waziristan Agency, Pakistan. Established in 1978, the college admits Cadets (students) in Class 7th after written/IQ tests, interviews and medical fitness tests. They are imparted physical training (sans weapons) by military trainers in addition to routine education. Razmian alumni are found in every walk of life; the principal profession chosen being Armed Forces.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Leavers Day in Cadet College Razmak

Leavers Day
The cadets of each outgoing 12th Class of Cadet College Razmak are called “LEAVERS” and their final day, after having spent six years in the college, is called “Leavers Day”. The day is marked by different functions and activities in which the cadets of the outgoing 12th class are “ALL CHIEF GUESTS”.
In the evening a farewell dinner is hosted in honour of the LEAVERS which is followed by a cultural function in which all the cadets, teachers and other staff participate. The cadets perform traditional local / tribal dance “Attannr” to the bang of “DHOL” and nobody, not even the Principal, can refuse taking part in the “Attannr” at this peculiar moment.
The next day, early in the morning, the LEAVERS are bade farewell by the teachers and junior cadets, with tears in eyes and sorrow in hearts.
The LEAVERS, like MYSELF, then Miss and cherish the sweet memories of Cadet College Razmak forever.


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With Regards,
"Bajaur Guloona".

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