Razmian Once – Razmian Forever
Cadet College Razmak is a military boarding school in the scenic Razmak valley of North Waziristan Agency, Pakistan. Established in 1978, the college admits Cadets (students) in Class 7th after written/IQ tests, interviews and medical fitness tests. They are imparted physical training (sans weapons) by military trainers in addition to routine education. Razmian alumni are found in every walk of life; the principal profession chosen being Armed Forces.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kachra Party / L.O.P in Cadet College Razmak

Kachra Party / L.O.P (An Article on a Lighter Note)

The “Left-Over-Parade” (LOP), more famously known as “Kachra Party”, is a phenomenon that can not be skipped when talking about the “Parents Day” event.
This is a very interesting party consisting of those cadets who are NOT included in Drill party, P.T Squad, Commando Squad or Gymnastics Squad. So these cadets are listed into the LOP or Kachra party, many of whom join it for having have some fun. This party is then kept busy by the military staff in duties like cutting off the uneven grass from the parade ground, clearing it of garbage, shopping bags and stray twigs etc and / or leveling the ground. Nobody knows when the Kachra party was first formed in the college, but every cadet who wants to have fun, is welcomed to it.
Till the time, the writer of this article was in the college, this party had some big revolutionary names in its ranks including:
·        Shamsuddin Mehsud Bhai Jan
·        Mirajuddin Wazir Bhai Jan
·        Niaz Hassan Bizenjo.
The later developments in this party may be shared through comments section by Cadets who joined the college later.
Note: This article has been written on a lighter note and is just for fun. If, however, anybody’s sentiments are hurt by it, the writer apologizes for that, in advance.


We Hope You find the info useful. Keep visiting this blog and remember to leave your feedback / comments / suggestions / requests / corrections.
With Regards,
"Bajaur Guloona".


  1. Kachra party...... ya it was the lovely and enjoyable party..... whoever stated the above statement, examples are perfect..... i know the first 2....

  2. Yes Toheed Bhai... It was Just for FUN article...
    Meraj Bhai, Shams Bhai and Niaz were the Pioneers.
